Thursday, September 6, 2007

Through Botswana

The road was through Zambia, Botswana, and South Africa, to get back to White River. This photo is in the flat planes of Botswana, all road ahead and behind for hours.

Papa Sal!

Papa Sal, the Swiss born Ausy architect with Hands@Work at the Victoria falls. Not your typical desk jockey, builds like a wizard.

Driving back to S.A.

The drive from the Congo to South Africa was an awesome experience. It took us 3 days from Zambia with the Hands@Work 4X4. Sal and Robyn were great to live with on the road as we camped outside and had lots of nice veggies from local markets. Made a stop at Victoria Falls.


Cleaning a pig pen with Mathew in the farm in Zambia, that has become a camp for orphans.